Topic about Jobs
Now, it is exam period. Seeing these students mugging for exam, kind of reminding me of the times I spent my time studying in NTU library alone, while listening to my favourite music during exam period. It amuse me awhile but i do not miss those days. Who wants to remember loneliness.
Apparently, there are some problems with my template and I still cannot discover the bugs. Maybe I am too ambitious to create a stunning layout which literally I achieved it and am proud of it. It runs well with Internet explore but not safari@ibook.
Instead of finding bugs in the template, I should get myself busy finding job. I have these noises around my mind and it si very disturbing. I know what I am doing in my life and definitely I am going to make my parents proud of me more. My aunties, uncles and whoever monger who complain to my mum about me acting cool about finding job.
I wonder why they are so bothered more than they are to their own children. They expect me, as a degree holder to make a progress faster than those with diploma and lower. My auntie indirectly boast that her son , a diploma holder, get the job at XXX company and starts working next week. She ask my mum to ask me join him too since I still cannot find the job. Add to my fury, he suppose to join SMU to further his studies if he cannot get the reply from any company.However, he did get the job reply and delay the further studies. Worse still my sister sides with my auntie.
My mum who is still in dilemma , still defends me during the conversation. I just keep quiet all alone and act dumb as i can be. If I am to play an asshole, definitely I will embarrase two people and this will embarrase my mum further.
I love my mum.
On the way home, this topic is being raised again between my sister and mum. I love indirecting bashing and this time, my target is my sister. She is very smart, diligent and hardworking but I am being streetwise enough to know how the human system works.
Mum: K starts to work already at xxx company.
Me: Please lah, that company always needs people; their ad appear almost every week. Spare me explanation to start job first from below and get the peanuts salary and slowly start to climb. Last time, he was told to get the job of 3K at YYY company under my uncles's recommendation but when he realise that he get the salary of $1300 instead, he does not take it.
Mum: yeah
Me: Hullo,he is diploma holder only. If a diploma holder gets $3K but degree holder gets at most $2.5K for engineering position, why spend money send son, daughter to university.
Me: Talk about pending to te entry to university, that is so ridiculous. If a person has a chance to go university, sure he/she will grap the opportunity to study further especially when he/she is still young.
Me: Work first to get experience and study later when time come. Yeah everyone says that loh but all depends on individual also. So rejecting the chance to go is more likely cannot get the entry to there.
All keep quiet.
I am just lazy and morever fussy but when I start to complain to find solutions and bring about positive change, I definitely give myself 100% or more to get a proper job. I also have dreams. I also want to provide good life for my parents for myself. I also want to have saving for future.
These people just making things out of proportion. My mum is not going to marry me off to their daughters yet.