I got new handphone
I am welcomed by a Malay girl who dresses so sexily. I tell her my objective and she askes me to sit awhile. While waiting, I see all sorts of office etiquettes and personalities in Starhub Company. I observe the office politics lurking around which really make me so dense about entering real working world. I know office politic is part and parcel of business life but I need a skill to handle such heartburn.
I am being refered to this girl with little fleshy side of body. She also wears sexily - mini skirt and low plunging neckline. I overheard that her name is nicole. While she is filling up the documents, I cannot help myself but to notice her voluptuous breast popping up and down. I try to avoid stealing glance but those things are huge. The whole time I’m being upstaged by her cleavage. I think she likes the attention.
Act of perversion.
I am so happy to receive new handphone. I am going test the camera tonight.
Gues where the two locations are. They depict the loneliness.