No on can predict the future.Hence I plan for future.But whatever I plan, it just not meant to be working that way. We have always done very well at modeling our future.We take the privilege of time given to us, to stay proscratinate in doing the important work and when things go wrong along the way, we blame ourselves, adding more pressures and problems.
But so what I define and choose the ideal and plan for it but do not do in my way. I must not be ashamed to learn from the stubbles.We are the creatures who make plans, look into the future, decide what we want, and plan to accomplish it. Events intervene. Circumstance change.Our desire change. And so where we actually wind up is often quite different than our origibal destination.Sometimes things seem to work out far better than we ever could have planned. And sometimes, alas, there is tragedy. Hence, just put more faith in God and ourselves. Maybe God has a better directive for us, just that we do not aware of.
So I just think positive and travel to King Alber Park McDonalds to do my revision as well as have a decent lunch there. Apparently, it is a wrong move actually. The place is very crowded and warm. As usual, I lost my concetration and just leave two hours later to go home.
I do some on and off going revision while watching tv. I decide to stay late to finish up whatever I find important and hit the sack at 2am. I learn today that I can let go of what lies behind, be totally forgiven for all my wrongdoing, and enjoy the awesome future God had planned for me since before the beginning of time.Mistakes are usually made when we plan. Mistake have values, we learn from them.
What author and speaker John C. Maxwell had to say about mistakes are:
Messages that give us feedback about life.
Interruptions that should cause us to reflect and think.
Signposts that direct us to the right path.
Tests that push us toward greater maturity.
Awakenings that keep us in the game mentally.
Keys that we can use to unlock the next door of opportunity.
Explorations that let us journey where we've never been before.
Statements about our development and progress.
I still planning for my future and put faith in it.